Christians are called to witness the values and social systems that are forming the structures of our culture. To act for social justice by working to change unjust structures is a work for all Christians of all ages and cultures. Pope Francis' 'Evangelii Gaudium' (The Joy of the Gospel) says:
"If indeed the just ordering of society and of the state is a central responsibility of politics, the Church, cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice." (#150)
Believers from different religions and faith all share the same planet. We live, work and play side-by-side in cities and towns and villages across the globe. We enjoy the same sunshine, rain and fruits of the earth. We suffer the same drought, storm and flood. We have similar hopes and desires for ourselves and our children. We face similar and sometimes the same conflicts, social issues, problems and injustices. Believers and all people of good will are more effective in responding to these challenges and opportunities when we do so together.
Our religions and faith provide common values which unite us in love and service to God, our world and neighbour. Our common values enrich and deepen our shared responsibility for transforming our world and society in accord with God’s holy purposes. In the countries where we work, Columban missionaries harness this spiritual energy for shared commitment to fostering social harmony, promoting mutual respect and better relations between different religions and faith, ending poverty, achieving gender equality, access to education and health, fair work and trade, building a culture of peace with social justice, environmental sustainability, cultivating ecological conversion and acting on climate change especially where marginalised peoples and communities are impacted.