Access to safe, healthy food is a basic human right. There is enough to feed all the world’s peoples, yet daily one billion people go hungry. As the impacts of climate change really start to occur, food security will become more of an issue. Genetically engineered foods are being promoted by biotechnology companies as a solution.
"Beware of false prophets...You will be able to tell them by their fruits."
(Matthew 7:15)
The poor suffer the most. As Eucharistic people, we are nourished by Christ so that we in turn can contribute with justice to the nourishment of the whole community. Columban missionaries around the world promote long term ecological production of food, equitably available supply and affordability.
'Unjust Genes: Life and Death' (DVD)
A Columban produced DVD on Genetically Modified (GM) Foods asks: Where is the push for genetically engineered technologies in food production coming from? The simple answer is that it is a move by global agri-chemical companies to control the world’s food supply through a monopoly that undermines alternative sources.
This DVD resource aims to promote clarity on the issue of transgenic food and help raise public awareness and inform advocacy by consumers, farmers, legislators, religious leaders and all people of good will.
The DVD comes with a discussion booklet and is available for purchase. Copies can be ordered from the Columban Mission Institute Office:
Phone: +61 3 9375 9475 or Email: