The Golden Rule - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a simple but effective guide for relating with people of different religions, cultures, ethnicity and backgrounds.
The Golden Rule Poster shows this rule in the sacred texts of thirteen different religions and spiritualities. The Golden Rule, also known as the Ethic of Reciprocity, has been valued by human societies for thousands of years and is found worldwide throughout cultures, religions, secular philosophies and indigenous traditions. The poster has particular relevance today as human communities become increasingly interconnected. Finding the same value in all the religions promotes interfaith collaboration, mutual understanding, peace, compassion and cooperation.
The Golden Rule Poster
The Golden Rule Poster is published by the Columban Mission Institute’s Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations (CCCMR) and was officially launched at NSW Parliament on 19 June 2013, by the Hon Mr Victor Dominello, NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister for Citizenship and Communities. Schools, workplaces and community centres are using the poster to promote respect and mutual understanding.
The Poster features:
- Sacred texts from thirteen different religions.
- Promotes mutual respect and harmony in our multi-religious society.
- Provides discussion topics.
How to use the Poster
Schools and educators
The Golden Rule Poster is an excellent resource for primary and secondary schools, as well as for adult education and universities. John McGrath from the Broken Bay Diocese’s Catholic Schools Office emphasises the need for students to understand "that the whole of humanity shares so much in common."
Displayed in classrooms and staffrooms, the poster becomes a focus for discussion on how to relate to others. It can be used for students, parent meetings, retreats, reflection days and social justice groups. It is a particularly useful teaching aid for High School studies in Religion and Peace. The poster is available in A4 packs of 25 that have been designed specifically for classrooms.
Australian workplaces and offices are often hubs of cultural and religious diversity. The Golden Rule Poster can be used to make offices and workspaces places of welcome, mutual respect and equality. The sacred texts on the poster are a great starting point for discussion between colleagues and may initiate the breaking down of religious and cultural barriers.
Other Places
The Golden Rule Poster can also be used in homes, places of worship, community centres, hospitals and prisons for teaching compassion, multicultural and multireligious cooperation, peace and human solidarity.
"There is one light, but many lanterns." (With these words the Hon Mr Victor Dominello, NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister for Citizenship and Communities officially launched The Golden Rule Poster at NSW Parliament, 19 June 2013)
"If every person’s actions reflected The Golden Rule, the world would become a paradise on Earth." (Mr Bawa Singh Jagdev, official launch at NSW Parliament, 19 June 2013)
"We all want a better world, and there are three ways to achieve this through good deeds, good words and good thoughts...the Poster highlights the oneness of humanity. We can all work together to achieve harmonious coexistence." (Venerable Dr Juewei, official launch at NSW Parliament, 19 June 2013)
"When believers from different religions come together around The Golden Rule, they become a force for peace. I happily commend this poster to all people of good will." (Bishop Peter Comensoli, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney)
"The Golden Rule Poster, grounded in the sacred texts, idioms and traditions of our religions, is a great resource for our communities, places of worship, schools and neighbourhood centres to promote respect and understanding towards others." (Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, The Great Synagogue, Sydney)
"The Golden Rule Poster is an excellent teaching resource. I often refer to the Poster in Religious Education classes and it is of particular relevance to my High School Studies of Religion." (Nicole Harrison, Religious Education Coordinator, Saint Joseph’s Catholic College, East Gosford, New South Wales, Australia).
Buy your Poster
The Golden Rule Poster (Australian version) is available for purchase in two sizes. The A1 poster is ideal for display in classrooms, places of worship and civic buildings and the A4 poster is ideal as a handout for discussions in classrooms, adult education, community groups and homes.
Related Links & Resources
Columban 'Golden Rule' Resource
This resource provides information on the Catholic Church’s commitment to Interreligious Dialogue, practical tips about how to go about dialogue and related links to the national organisations of those religions referred to on The Golden Rule Poster. Download Resource (PDF)
Scarboro Missions
The Golden Rule Poster was originally published by Scarboro Missions. Columban missionaries gratefully acknowledge their permission to produce the Australian version of The Golden Rule Poster. Scarboro provides a variety of free, online resources for different age groups including videos, meditation exercises and workshop outlines on The Golden Rule. Visit website
An Islamic-Dialogue Perspective
Scottish Muslim scholar, Sohaib Saeed confirms The Golden Rule in Islam by referencing the Qur’an and the Sunna, which for Muslims are the highest authority and best exemplar of human behaviour respectively. Download Resource (PDF)
Wikipedia - The Golden Rule
Explore the Wikipedia page for The Golden Rule. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia. Visit wikipedia