Speak with boldness

Today we are saddened as we remember the 40 people including many women and children who have been cruelly killed by the illegal military government in Myanmar where Columban missionaries are working. In the first reading today from Acts of the Apostles 4:23-41, Peter and John have been arrested and placed in custody. When they were released, they returned to the community where they all prayed together. Their prayer shows us how relevant the history of the first community is to our reality today. They pray to God the creator and ask ''Why is there such arrogance among the nations; rulers on earth making war.'' In face of such violence, they ask for help from the Lord so that they may proclaim his message with all boldness. In the gospel from John 3:1-8, Nicodemu shows lack of that boldness. He wanted to meet Jesus but was afraid to be seen approaching him openly so he came by night. Jesus explains that to enter the kingdom he must be born again of water and the Spirit.The words of Jesus changed life of Nicodemus. After the death of Jesus, he lost all fear and boldly accompanied Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus, bringing seventy-five pounds of spices. Let us pray with Nicodemus and the first community, ''And now, Lord, strengthen your servants to speak your word with all boldness.''
Don Hornsey.

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