Belief in the Resurrection

In his first appearance after the resurrection, Jesus asked Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to tell the apostles to go back to Galilee where Jesus had begun his mission. In today's gospel (John 21:1-14), seven of them are back there. They must make a new beginning this time without Jesus physically present leading them. Peter says that he is going fishing. Is he feeling that he has failed Jesus by denying him and that all he can do now is to return to his former trade? In fact they fish all night without success. Suddenly an observer on the shore advises them to cast their net on the starboard side. They do so and catch many fish. The beloved disciple recognizes Jesus saying '' It is the Lord.'' Peter, in his desire for reconcilition, jumps overboard and swims to the shore where he finds Jesus preparing breakfast.Then follows an important scene that is not included in today's reading. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him and when he replies three time that he does, he knows that his denials have been forgiven and he is reinstated to care for the flock. It seems that chapter 21 was added later to John's gospel in order to strengthen the community in their belief that Jesus had truly risen. Let us make the words ''It is the Lord!'' our prayer today as we recognize the Risen Lord present in all that happens to us as we continue to witness to him today.
Don Hornsey

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