Who is my true treasure?

Who is my true treasure?
Today's first reading presents us with a very bloodthirsty story. Althaliah, mother of the dead king, kills most of the remaining members of the royal family so that she can take over the throne herself. She too is eventually murdered. The history was written to show that Elijah's prophecy was fulfilled with the death of the last descendants of the wicked king Ahab. But perhaps the story was included in today's liturgy to illustrate the truth of Jesus' words in the Gospel. Jesus contrasts those who seek treasures on earth with those who store up treasures in heaven. Athaliah sought the power of the throne but her earthly treasure was short-lived when she was killed. So how do we store up a treasure in heaven? Italians call someone very dear to them ''tesoro mio''(my treasure) so we can conclude that the most valuable treasures are not objects but people. There are those we love on earth and then our love for God and our union with Jesus. We will meet Jesus face to face in heaven, but our time on earth is an opportunity to build up our friendship with Jesus. How can we do that? I find it helpful to begin by reflecting on the marvels of creation, the universe and within it our planet earth so perfectly planned by God that it provides for all our needs. Then the Son of God, Jesus, was born as one of us with his life giving message that we are all sharing the same earth as sisters and brothers to live in harmony with each other, the earth and all creation. Then we realise that he is within us as the God of life. May he become our true treasure, as St Augustine said, ''You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.''
Don Hornsey

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