Reflection for 5th of July

Reflection for 5th July

Yesterday in the first reading, the prophet Hosea spoke of God's union with his people comparing it to a loving marriage. But we know that not all marriages are able to maintain their original hopes and it was the same with the Jewish people's relationship to God. So we find that in today's reading (Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13), Hosea is attacking the people because they have turned from God to worshipping man-made idols. ''A workman made the thing, This cannot be God.'' says Hosea. In the Gospel (Matthew 9:32-38), we see something similar in the life of Jesus. He restores speech to a dumb man, but the Pharisees criticize him saying, ''It is through the prInce of devils that he casts out devils.''  Jesus does not allow the criticism to interrupt his service to the most needy. He felt sorry for them because they were harassed and dejected like sheep without a shepherd. Our life is a journey towards God's reign of peace and fulfillment but sometimes we can take a wrong turn and head down paths which can leave us unhappy and uncertain. But the Good Shepherd never abandons us. ''Come to me, all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest, for I am gentle and humble in heart.'' Our burdens may not disappear; they are part of life, but they will seem much lighter when we realize that the Good Shepherd is there to help us carry them.

Don Hornsey



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