The treasure of the Kingdom

The treasure of the Kingdom
One of the most incredible and saddest episodes in history is the way that powerful nations invaded and took control of other countries colonising them and breaking the resistance of the tangata whenua, the original inhabitants, by stealing their land. Landless people were lost people. In todays gospel (Matthew 13: 44-46) Jesus tells the story of a landless man who worked for his living on another man’s land. One day he uncovered a treasure, but he knew that it belonged to the owner of the land. ‘’In great joy, he sold all his possessions and brought that field.’’ He gained a double treasure, the land itself and the treasure buried in it. Jesus says that this is like the kingdom of heaven. The peace, love, unity and mutual support of the kingdom values can be a treasure in our lives, but great effort is required to live in that way. Our self centredness so often stands in the way. Mary, a lady of our parish, has been visiting the men’s prison for many years and when I accompanied her on Monday, we met a group of men, some of whom had their faces covered in tattoos of their gang names. When we left, Mary said that these visits are her treasure because she can see Jesus in these men. I always come away up lifted she said. When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we say, ‘’May your kingdom come.’’ We could add, ‘’And may I have the courage to make it my treasure and make the effort to obtain it.
Don Hornsey