Celebrating a Requiem mass

Celebrating a Requiem mass
This morning I will celebrate a Requiem mass and burial and I have been reflecting on how different one funeral can be from another. This one will be an ''easy'' funeral, because, although the man to be buried was not Filipino, he was baptised in the Philippines where he married his Filipina wife. All the support given to the bereaving family and the preparation for the Mass has been carried out by the Filipina community and their deep faith and loving concern has been very evident. The death of a husband, father, brother and friend is always a cause of sadness, because the loved one is no longer with us. But when the death occurs in a faith-filled family and community, strong belief in the Resurrection of Jesus is a great comfort because we know that the words of Jesus to Martha are true. ''I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.'' When it seems that the majority of those present do not share that resurrection faith, then a funeral is ''difficult''. It is sad when words about the happiness of a future life are met with blank stares. But I know that today's funeral will be an occasion to give thanks for our faith in God, the loving Father and giver of life and in the Son who rose from the dead. That faith gives meaning not just to our life but also to the death that we will all one day face.
Don Hornsey
May be an image of ocean, nature, sky and twilight