
  The Road to Extinction

Dec 11, 2020
What a happy world it would be if all its living species lived in harmony - plants, animals, and humans. It is a utopian dream some say, impossible in this world of modern urban living, say others. It does happen.
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  Theology of The Universe As God

Sep 18, 2020
In these strange days I have been reading and reflecting about the theology of the Universe as God’s body (metaphor).
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  We All Must Change to Defeat Covid-19

Aug 26, 2020
The catastrophe is upon us. The world is suffering and in shock as hundreds of thousands of people are dying from the coronavirus and economies are in chaos
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  Reflection - The New Normal

Jun 24, 2020
But the reality is that the events that happen to us not only interrupt the flow of life - they change it.
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  Reflection - The space between them

Jan 20, 2020
To this day Christian faith in China struggles to be seen as other than a foreign import. How different the story of mission might have been if Ricci’s approach had been supported.
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