
  Christmas - Just another day for some

Dec 22, 2014
The picture of Joseph going from door to door, desperately begging shelter because Mary was in labour, has always struck a poignant chord in the Christmas story.
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  Advent - Turning impatience into joy

Nov 24, 2014
I’ve been called impatient many times in my life. My family jokes that I was so impatient at birth that I arrived two months early. Advent is a liturgical time of waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ.
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  Good grief

Nov 24, 2014
Grief made me its captive; I was hi-jacked and had to pay the ransom demanded before I could gain my freedom. I learned that there are degrees of grief, but you cannot weaken its vice grip by paying in instalments.
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  The only book that can read me

Nov 14, 2014
The Father wants us to know Him. To risk meeting the Father is to have our superficial peace disturbed, our shallow security undermined, and our lightweight values over­hauled. It is a courageous act to open the Bible.
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  Let us not be robbed of the joy of evangelisation

Oct 20, 2014
The Far East Magazine presents a brief summary of Pope's Francis' World Mission Day message, which took place this year on October 19.
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  World Mission Day - Intention for October 2014

Oct 07, 2014
That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world.
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  Where do you come from?

Oct 07, 2014
One day when I asked, "Where do you come from?” the shopkeeper replied, "From my mother!" I laughed. This unexpected reply was so startling that I started using it too, which lead to very different conversations about identity...
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