
  No one is excluded

Dec 20, 2010
“Tell Father the name of the birthplace of Jesus Christ,” he said. One little girl immediately shouted: “Lahore.”
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   What is Advent all about?

Dec 02, 2010
Why, then, we may ask, do we keep on reading biblical texts about his arrival today, since we believe that the Messiah already arrived two thousand years ago?
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  Reflection - Columban my brother

Nov 23, 2010
Through the pilgrimage I have come to know Columban as someone I could pray to in a personal way.
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  Reflection - In loving memory

Nov 11, 2010
“Nothing can make up for the absence of someone whom we love and it would be wrong to try to find a substitute; we must simply hold out and see it through".
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  Reflection - The similarities of Mary

Oct 14, 2010
The Gospel shows her to be a woman of faith, a caring woman, a woman unafraid to take risks, a woman strong in love, courageous in suffering.
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  Reflection - Leaving fortress church

Oct 06, 2010
The understanding of church and mission that emerged at Vatican II. We moved out of “fortress” church.
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  Reflection - Heart to heart

Oct 01, 2010
'A tribute of respect to a great Englishman, whose beauty of life shed its light and purity on his own century, but belongs to all ages.'
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