Daily Prayer - February 15 2023

The final withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan took place on February 15,1989. They moved into Afghanistan on December 24, 1979, to help prop up a communist government there. Their presence was deeply resented by the largely Muslim population who carried on a guerrilla war against them. While the Soviets controlled the cities the Mujahideen controlled the country areas. They were supplied with arms by the USA, who would later find themselves in a war with the Taliban in Afghanistan.


Loving God

on this feast of Cyril and Methodius who were apostles to the Slav people which includes Russians and Ukrainians we pray for peace in our world.

As we are slow to learn from history, we ask that we realise that invading other people’s counties rarely leads to any kind of good outcome but just deepens resentment and opposition.    



By Fr Pat O'Shea - Lower Hutt


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