Daily Prayer - November 29, 2022

On November 29, 1791, HMS Chatham under William Broughton was blown off course and came upon a group of islands that would become known as the Chatham Islands. Already living there since 1400 were the Morori.

The arrival of Europeans was followed in 1832 by the Māori. Today the 800 people who live there reflect elements of these 3 cultures. They have also developed a special kind of Chatham “know how” that is rooted in their remoteness and in the challenges that life has set before them.    


Creator God,

we ask your blessing on the people of the Chatham Islands and for all those who live on small islands around the world.

Their remoteness and size mean that they face difficult challenges.

Be with those who are concerned about climate change and rising sea levels that threaten the very existence of their homes.



By Fr Pat O'Shea - Lower Hutt


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