Daily Prayer - July 7, 2022

On July 7, 1947, rancher Mac Brazel took some debris he had found on his remote ranch to the Sheriff’s Office in Roswell, New Mexico. Rowell has since become synonymous with stories about flying saucers, extra-terrestrial life, cover ups and conspiracies theories.

With more and more planets being discovered that could support life, it is likely there is life elsewhere in the universe. Whether we can or will make any meaningful contact with it given the vast distances involved seems unlikely at this time.


Lord, you created a vast and amazing universe containing billions of galaxies and solar systems.

While we speculate and investigate the possibility of life elsewhere, we ask that we look after the one place where we know that life has flourished.  

Help us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of all the life forms that earth has produced and continue to protect them.  



By Fr Pat O'Shea - Lower Hutt


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