Daily Prayer - August 27, 2022

On August 27, 1883, a volcano on Krakatoa Island in Indonesia erupted in an explosion that has been described as the loudest sound in human history.

Dormant for 200 years it came to life in May and the eruption of August 27 was so powerful that it destroyed 2/3 of the island which collapsed into the sea. It caused a massive tsunami that is estimated to have killed 36000 people. The volcano is still active.


Loving God,

events like this eruption remind us that our planet is still in formation and powerful forces are at work under the crust of the earth.

We ask you to be with all who have suffered and are suffering today because of natural disasters.

Help us to improve our warning systems and preparations so that we can limit the suffering that follows such events.    



By Fr Pat O'Shea - Lower Hutt






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